Friday 24 August 2012

God's Dream & Human's Hope

God's Dream and Human's Hope


Holy Trinity & Holy family
Thought behind this drawing was Holy father chosen us to be his through our union with Christ (Ephes 1:4) Holy father blessed him with Holy spirit (Mathew 17:15) For the entry of Christ to the world, God (The Holy Trinity) had chosen the Holy Family (Mathew 1:23.) To depict this concept I drew the Holy Father’s image on top then Holy Spirit & then Jesus Christ in the down (Holy Trinity). Similarly I portrayed St Joseph & Holy Mary on either side of Jesus Christ (Holy Family)

Significance of Holy Family
Below to the holy Mary’s picture, there is one quote from Genesis 2:23 “Bone taken from my bone & Flesh from my flesh”.  Adam was saying this after seeing Eve in the Old Testament. Sin came into the world through one man (Adam)....Adam was a figure of the one who was to come (Romans 5:12-15). But where Sin increased, God’s grace increased much more (Romans 5:21). Thus Holy Father gave his own son through Holy Mary (Isaiah 7:14). Thus the bone & flesh of a human (Adam) leads to the entry of sin into the world, whereas the Flesh & Blood of Jesus leading us to the eternal life (Romans 5:21). This I have shown in the Eucharist where Jesus & his Sacred Heart are portrayed. Importance of St. Joseph is “He was a man who always did what was right (Mathew 1:19)”

Old & New Covenant
After the arrival of Jesus he replaced the old covenant with new covenant which was with his own flesh & body. (Luke. 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25) This I illustrated like the Holy Eucharist & the Holy Blood on the top of Covenant box-the symbol of old testament/covenant.

God’s Dream & Humans Hope
In Revelations ch. 21 and in Isaiah 65:17-25 God is explaining his “Ultimate principal plan” or his DREAM..!! “I am making a new earth & new heaven (Isaiah 65:17)”  “Now Gods home is with human beings, He will live with them (Revel 21:3)”. In other words this is the Holy Altar in the church. “There will be no more grief or crying or pain”. (Revel. 21:4) But I have depicted people with poverty, madness, prisoners etc… in the bottom of the picture. This is because the pain & sorrow will be there in the earth. The way of looking at it & taking it will be changed after we met Jesus Christ. Because He told “anyone who wants to come with me must forget yourself, take up their cross every day, and follow me (Luke 9:23)”
Bible also says “We also boast of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance brings God’s approval, and his approval create hope (Romans 5:4)” “My punishment was good for me, because it made me learn your commands (Psalms 119:71)”
So GOD’s DREAM is that we all should understand him & his plan(s) behind the sorrows & pain we are encountering in our daily life with a positive outlook and we should thank him forever..!!!

End Note:
I am not telling that all pain has God behind it..!! There are pain because "people are tempted when they are drawn away & trapped by their own evil desires (James 1:14)". On the other hand there are pain of "cross every day (Luke 9:23)". I was describing about the later...!!!


I started drawing this in the beginning of November 2011 and I finished this drawing by the second week of December 2011. I drew this picture as separate parts and finally pasted all together in a single background as seen in the above picture. The size of the picture frame is 4 x 2.5 feet. The entire picture was depicted with pencil except the quotes from the bible (This I typed & took print out). I used Apsara HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B & 5B wooden pencils and HB pointed pencil for drawing this. In the following pages I will be adding different parts of this picture.
I invite constructive comments about this picture and suggestions for improving the quality of drawing. Since I never learned drawing, I hope your valuable suggestions will groom me well.


  1. Unbelievable Phinoj. 10/10 for your drawings. Please don't call them scribbles. They are nothing short than Master Pieces. In fact you are being too humble to call them your scribbles.

    You have put copyright notices on the drawings? How did you get them copyrighted?

  2. Thank you so much for your encouraging words...!! In fact after my HSC biology record drawing work, now only I am trying pencil drawing..!! I am just a beginner..!! When it comes to draw faces I find bit difficult to perfectly do it...!!

    Regarding Copy right. It is under process, I didn't got the proper copy right. I asked my friend about this, he advised me to put the copy right sign for the time being. I have also mentioned in the blog disclaimer that unauthorized copying is prohibited. Even this point has a legal validity. For more details visit &

    Thank You..!!
