Friday 24 August 2012


Replacement of old Covenant with New

            In this picture, I gave more emphasize to the concept than the logic of proportionality. That is why the Chalice Cup & Holy Eucharist is bit bigger than the size of covenant box. More over, in the actual picture (God's dream & humans hope) the center of attraction & importance is given to the Holy Eucharist. 
Holy Father
This picture I replicated from a Calendar. I don't know whose painting was this. The original picture is in multicolored and I think that was originally an oil painting.

Jesus in Holy Eucharist

           One of my favorite picture of Jesus Christ and was bit difficult to draw also. The main difficulty I encountered while I was trying to portrait the smile of Jesus in this picture. In the original picture - Again I don't know its author, I still doubt it was a photograph than a drawing- it is very difficult to say whether the smile is with his lip or it from his eyes or from both..!! Any way I tried my level best and made it in this way. I couldn't sketch the exact liveliness of its original version. I spent almost one week time to finish this drawing.

Holy Spirit

          For me this was one of the easiest picture to draw among this group of pictures.



I need to improve my skill of portraying the face of people...!!! 

New Covenant

I dedicated this picture to my sister. This is one of her favorite picture.

Holy Mary

            In this picture Mother Mary is pointing her right hand towards right side. In the original complete picture, Mother Mary is standing on  the left side of Holy Eucharistic Jesus Christ. The caption below this picture is "Bone taken from my bone and flesh from my flesh" (Genesis 2:23). My Father shared this concept with me. I am dedicating this picture to him.  

St. Joseph

"Joseph was a man who always did what was right" (Matthew. 1:19)

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